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Showing posts with label creativity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creativity. Show all posts

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Theme Thursday: Creativity

This week's prompt is creativity, which means I need to write a post unlike any you've ever read before. So, here it is:

A few years ago my letter V for the AtoZ Challenge was vacant. If you followed me back then, you've seen the blank post before, so let me try again:

Aveha ouya evera eadra aa ostpa ittenwra ina iglatinpa?

Of course there's someone out there who's read a post in pig latin. Fine. I'll try again.

Avez-vous jamais lu un poteau écrit en français ?

Ya, ya. Is it the same reader or a different one who has read a post in french? Hang in there, I'm trying to be creative. How about this?

Ah! I've got it!

Z B     R     A Z E R     X B     J Y J U F X A ,    R    

N W Z T T B C     X A     G C X D X B E     D F X A     

 U Z A D .  F Y C     W X D D W Y     L Z T     X A     

 N Y A X L Y     F Y C .

Hint: X = I 

Man this is tough! Want another hint?

Hint #2: T = G

You still don’t have it? Okay, I’ll give you one more, but this is my last hint!

Hint #3:  D = T
You want another hint?  I only get one letter in my Sunday paper. Want me to spell it out for you? Fine!

Hint #4: Z =O 

Really? You’re kidding me. Okay, but this is the real last hint.

Hint #5: J = M 
(Think. Where this blogger is from and how her Grizzlies team is finally getting some respect in basketball. Go Grizz!)

WOW! I solve these all the time in the Sunday paper, but I didn't know they were so hard to write. Did you solve it? Was this post creative enough for you? I hope you gave it your best shot because it took me forever to write a cryptograph.

Please write your answer in the comments section before I forget what it says.